Friday, December 2, 2011

Free Online Tool to Teach Kids Money Management

It is important to teach good spending and saving habits from an early age. A new website helps parents do just that with a few simple clicks. The site,, allows the parent to set up an account on the child's behalf. Next, a savings goal like a new bike, college savings, or investment fund is specified. The child gets his own webpage describing the goal which can then be shared online.

Kidworth provides other innovative ways to share goals with relatives and friends like birthday and holiday e-cards containing links to the page with the ability to make a gift directly online. Thank you cards can even be sent for contributions. When the goal is reached, the parent is able to withdraw the funds and have a check sent to their home.

What tools do you use to teach kids about money?


  1. This is something I am going to set up for my kids. I always hear kids in the shops asking for more and many seem to keep on asking as they have no concept of money, with no idea of the value of money these are the people who are most likely to need debt management advice as they get older.

  2. @aweb, Great! Let us know how it works out for you. I think it is a great tool, as it is never too early to begin learning and sharing with your children about financial responsibility.


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